So, last night I got to Portland. All my expectations, my worries and my thoughts about this was about to be answered. At first I came out from the plane and wasn't certain where to go, and when I got to the place where I saw people waiting I looked quickly around to see if I could spot Krystin, my host mom. I couldn't find her (after looking only about 10 seconds) so I went on to the baggage claim. Probably because I was tired and nervous, normally I'd try harder to find her of course. But eventually I just called her, and she said she'd be right there. I was pretty excited to meet her, and when I finally did the first thing I thought was "She's shorter than I am!" From that point on we were talking and talking, and we got along just perfectly. Got home, met Nick, talked a bit to him as well, nice guy. I was pretty tired after the 29 hour long trip, so I went to bed fairly early. I woke up today to Dutch pancake, which was amazing. After that I showered, then we went to the school to get my schedule ready. Nick took me around the school, so I got to see about everything, it's very big. I also got to go to my first fast food restaurant, Taco Bell, which was nice. I had the Burrito Supreme or something like that, with blue Mountain Dew. We went too Radioshack and Starbucks as well, I had to get some adaptors for my electric things. I also got an appointment with an hairdresser, so tomorrow 3pm I'll get my hair straight perm. I'm having a really good time here, I couldn't have asked for a better family than this. Here are some pics, I haven't taken all of them though, as you can probably see.

There's lots of squirrels here! Saw one today, it was doing like this. Invader Zim quote ftw, but it really was doing like that (:
Here's a pic of my desk in my room, it's gonna come in handy!

Here's my bed, very comfortable!
This is Wilson High, it's bigger than it looks! I'm gonna get so lost there.
This is the schools trademark haha, trojans ftw.