After almost a month I decided it was time to write a new entry again! January has gone by so fast, and for every day that passes I want to stay in Portland more xD It makes me think, in June when I'm leaving, I'm gonna have a really hard time. Now, that I want to stay here does not mean I've forgotten about my old life, and believe me I miss every little part of Arendal. But I'll get it back soon enough, and I'll appreciate it a lot more. That's the main thing I've learned these days, to not take anything for granted. The people who are there for me are what makes me who I am, so thank you. I just came home from a Portland Trail Blazers game, and it was awesome haha, we won by almost 50 points. The Blazers turned out to be a pretty awesome team, and they have a 13/9 win/lose ratio in the NBA, but they turned out to be a lot better than you'd think from that. In my opinion that is.
These are stressful times though, tomorrow I have my last final exam, which is in Spanish 5 honors. I'm pretty excited about not having physics next semester, that's gonna mean so much more time to focus on French and other stuff I need to focus on! Oh, and another thing I did was go to California. I experienced more than my heart and soul could handle, haha. To have been places like Disneyland, Universal Studios etc, it's just amazing. I got to see so many props from movies, big sets I've only seen on TV or in a movie. To be in the footsteps of stars like Will Smith, Robert Downey Jr, and all the big ones. It's crazy, especially for a guy from a small town like Arendal (40-50,000 inhabitants.)
As you can imagine, I've got a lot of pictures to show. And eventually I'll put a lot of them on here, but for now I'm too lazy. Or actually I'm too not lazy, 'cause I'm gonna get busy with more studying. Furthermore, I get to see August Burns Red, The Fray, Silverstein, The Pretty Reckless, and more these coming months. Holy shit I love America xD If it wasn't for the government and the redneck/white trash I'd move here without a doubt. Portland is the heart of America it seems, the people aren't like people anywhere. Everyone's nice. If you want a new friend, all you have to do is find someone you think looks interesting and start talking. I've experienced it more than once, to put it like that. They're always there with a helping hand, and putting yourself 2nd is something that's just normal here. You of course have exceptions, the assholes, but they're to be found in every place on earth anyways. Portland is amazing, I wouldn't wanna have come to any other place in the states, not even California or Florida. "Keep Portland weird," as they say (and I think I've contributed pretty good to that).
Stay true to yourself, 'cause when it's all said and done you don't need anyone else :)