Now, just to make it clear, I know this must seem as if I'm very swingy when it comes to my mood, and I have been so lately. But now it's gone, I'm sure that I've finally opened my eyes up for the better of everything. Anyways, I'm gonna start learning French from a private teacher! I'm looking forward to it a lot, I went to this awesome old fashioned French place and they were so awesome. I'm spending everyday on something new, figuring out new ways to live (: Missing my friends at home though, won't lie. But I'm getting so many new friends here, learning new things everyday! I love it
Here are some pictures! I won't upload that many, I'm sorry xD
So far away, my heart is divided into three pieces. But my life is with me always (:
Fortune cookie I got at a chinese restaurant 8DD
I'm from America, I'm from America C:
This is the start of November, around 1st, and it's how I look before no shaving November then, I can't wait to see after!
This is so American xD I just had to take a pic!
I had to buy it XD The store was called "Jelly Beans" But there were no jelly beans ): But at least I got bacon toothpaste <3
curly curly c: