Here is some pics I've taken the last couple of days. I will probably write an entry later today if I've got time.
This is my new guitar. The fine thing is called Jackson Kelly KE3
I went for a walk, and found the riverside. You unfortunately can't see it or the bridge very well.
Random football field by the park, haha!
We watched (partly) Harry Potter and the deathly hallows p1.
And behind the random football field, a random playground. Like the swings!
It's epic! Kripkes assistant or something has written a book, it seemed very awesome, but I didn't wanna use anymore money that day.
Ash! Fat cat :D
Everything here is supersize o-o Look at that!
Hot Topic, the best store on earth, I swear! Found two shirts there.
I like sweetie! (:
SvarSlettJust got to love that fat cat :D
SvarSlettFeit katt ! Supernatural ! elsker gitaren din, er en heftig awesome versjon av min xD
SvarSlettThanks sweetie.
SvarSlettHaha indeed xD Everytime I see him I'm like "Lord fat kitteeh not amused"
Haha tusen takk dude :D
Hahaha xD 'Lord fat kitteeh not amused' I lolled.