The last two nights I've had nightmares, for multiple reasons, I both think and hope it'll change soon though. I miss my friends a lot, and though people here are nice, and some of them remind me a lot of my friends at home, it's still not the same. Two nights ago I was at an awesome concert! With one of my new favorite bands, Unwritten Law. They were great! They're from California, and not too well known. Which was good for me, as I got to stand close as fuck. The moshpits were mostly good, but there were a lot of drunk people, and I wasn't one of them so it wasn't that fun with them around, haha. They played my favorite songs, so I'm happy about it. This weekend has been pretty cool, I slept over at Dylans place friday, and saturday I got to try wake boarding, which was pretty hard. It was a lot of fun though. My whole body hurts today because of the concert and the wake boarding, so I think this is gonna be a lazy sunday.
This is how close I were to the lead singer of Unwritten Law!
This is the awesome t shirt I got of them
This is Sean a random dude, his grandfather is norwegian or something. And he looks like someone I know from home! I can't remember who though, tell me if you can!
This is two of my bros, Sean and Dylan. They're awesome
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