lørdag 3. desember 2011

Do You Remember Me?

To start of I'm gonna tell a short story of a boy a sandwich and a peculiar thing. I was walking eating my SubWay as usual, when I see this weird shape-thing in the dark. As I get close I see a fat raccoon sitting on his ass eating, not giving a shit about me standing right next to him eating my sub. It was so awesome, then he got done and just walked into the shadows. I've never seen a wild raccoon before, so everything happening it was quite a "wtf" moment. Anyways, I haven't added pictures in a while so here are some, not very good, but still, it's something.

Despair breathes gently on my clouded mind as I set off on another day with new opportunities. A smile for a smile, and a bag full of nothing. Consumerism(in every thinkable way) is what I've taken to, not quite what I had imagined. I'm breathing, feeling, and seeing. Not always clear, but at least my senses are intact. Further on, here are the pics.


A Day To Remember

Kingdom Hearts anyone?

Holy fuck yes, it's the master sword! And so many other awesome swords

Final Fantasy

One of my friends from Orycon showed me this xD Lol

Spock's Logic and Gandalf's Beard, so funny names for coffees, at Orycon.

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