mandag 12. desember 2011

I'm Not Much A Poet, But A Criminal

This is gonna be a hectic week, as I've got a math and physics test this Wednesday. Oh lol reminds me, in Physics we are learning about Force, and when the teacher wrote Force applied as Fapp I started giggling. This place never seizes to surprise me, new things happen every day, new people become friends. It's really nice, and to be honest it makes me not wanna leave. I'm enjoying myself a lot here, the fact that I live in a big city and only a 15min bus ride away from it is great. I have access to whatever I'd like, and great people to share it with. I love hanging out at Dylan's place, his father is British and he knows Norwegian, which makes everything so much more awesome. That's where I go to get my dose of Europe. I'm so tired at the moment, so I'm just waiting for my laundry to be done with drying, then I'll go to sleep. Hopefully the package my mother sent will be here tomorrow, with delicious Norwegian stuff! I'm gonna take pics of some of the christmas neighborhoods here if I remember, 'cause it's kinda crazy haha, Americans and their exaggerating. Oh and one last thing, we had to write a two paragraph essay for English, and I was the only one in the whole class who did it xD Lazy people, haha.

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