It seems as if the voice in my head I usually call "judgement" at the moment is cloudy, and hard to hear. To put it as simple as I'm able to with my lack of explanation skill; I came here with wanting to work hard for a good future, whereas now I want to enjoy the whole ride until I can't. That probably makes a lot more sense to me than to you, but I think I'm finding what I want. Then again, it could be a play on my mind, wouldn't be the first time. Another side effect of this cloudiness has given me 10x more moral to study for language, and I really liked languages before. I'm spending a lot of time getting better at my spanish fluency, and my French and a little Dutch.
I'm spending my days lazy, usually just in bed in my room, playing guitar, language, and just boring homework. I'm gonna have some fun in the next days hopefully though, and I'm having a lot of fun exploring this new part of me. I hope everyone at home are feeling good, and doing fun stuff. And if there was one thing I wish people would know, it would be that if you ever share a thought of me, you can be certain I've given you a hundred already. I think a lot about home, and people I used to see and know etc.
I'm Nicklas, a 17 years old boy from Norway. Last year I decided that I wanted to take one of my three years of "videregående" in America. Videregående is basically High School, so I'll be attending Wilson High School in Portland, Oregon. The reasons behind this are mainly to develop myself as a person, and of course to experience the difference in American and Norwegian culture. I'm sure it's gonna be a year I'll remember for the rest of my life!
onsdag 28. desember 2011
mandag 26. desember 2011
Soo, I made my mother a song for Christmas, gonna play it to her asap!
There are so many words that I have left unspoken to you.
There are so many feelings I left behind.
If just for one day let’s forget about it all.
Im on my way home but first I’ve got a be a man.
Mother I miss you so,
don’t you worry about me now.
And my friends you’re not forgotten just hold on.
These days are getting rough but you know I’ll make it through.
This place is wonderful the citylights are shining bright .
If you could see me now I know you’d be so proud.
I’m growing up here, learning how to free my soul.
Mother I miss you so,
don’t you worry about me now.
And my friends you’re not forgotten just hold on
I’m moving forth and I’m not backing down.
This path is hard and I haven’t got time.
This one’s for family this one’s for friends, but most importantly this one’s for you
Mother I miss you so,
don’t you worry about me now.
And my friends you’re not forgotten,
just hold on and think about me.
Keep the good, and throw
all the bad away.
Live in the memories,
and kill what time can’t heal.
To cope in life is easy,
to live it takes a lot.
Share yourself with me,
I’m here for you my friend.
fredag 23. desember 2011
Life Is Half Spent Until We Know What It Is
So Christmas is here again, the one holiday I really don't like. I don't like the stress, the expectations, the madness that comes with it. It's just too much for me to want to handle, but I always find joy in something every Christmas. Jim Carrey as the Grinch is always nice, and so is my anti Christmas songs! I'm not gonna blabber on about how I hate etc, I don't wanna take the spirit away from you who actually like it! So no worries, I'll talk about something supercool instead, which is that I'm going to California in January! I'm gonna go to Disneyland and Universal Studios and just stuuuff! It's gonna be epic. Last night I spent with Dylan and his stepmom Martha at a Hanukkah dinner thing, which was awesome! We played a jew game, and ate jew food xD At the moment I'm sitting just eating ice cream and thinking about how easy it is to impact people. And how easy it is to forget the people who mean the most to you, which is really bad, and it scares me. 'Cause most of the people who stick there to the end are the people you take for granted. We've all been there, that one person who gives you all you need everyday for so long, and then they go away and you remain with a void that needs to be filled. Luckily for me, that hasn't happened in a long time for me. I've learned to not take my friends for granted, at least for the most part! Haha.
This one goes out to my true friends, which unfortunately is more of you than you think. I love you, I'll never forget the smiles you've given me, the moments you've let me share with you. The good days, the bad days, the hours spent laughing away(and eating taco). I would never be who I am today without you, I'd never be the strong enough to face the world if it wasn't for the nice things you've done to me. Love is a huge underestimation of what I feel for you, no matter how big a cliché it is. But anyways, I appreciate you, that's what I'm trying to say. Every word spoken, every moment spent with you, I love it! :)
Awh you Americans and your love for exaggerating :D

You're a mean one Mr. Grinch! Love that smile, haha
This one goes out to my true friends, which unfortunately is more of you than you think. I love you, I'll never forget the smiles you've given me, the moments you've let me share with you. The good days, the bad days, the hours spent laughing away(and eating taco). I would never be who I am today without you, I'd never be the strong enough to face the world if it wasn't for the nice things you've done to me. Love is a huge underestimation of what I feel for you, no matter how big a cliché it is. But anyways, I appreciate you, that's what I'm trying to say. Every word spoken, every moment spent with you, I love it! :)
Awh you Americans and your love for exaggerating :D
You're a mean one Mr. Grinch! Love that smile, haha
I'm sorry if this makes me seem like a stereotypical guy, but this girl is probably my dream girl. She's so beautiful, and I feel so hopeless xD Like a fangirl or something…
mandag 19. desember 2011
Let Me In, I'll Bury The Pain
This Saturday was an pretty nice day, at first I was at a Christmas party with the exchange program at this fancy house. There I met a Swedish girl which I could talk Norwegian to, and relate to. It's always nice to be with people you can relate to and talk to about stuff. After the party I went to a Norwegian dinner, and oh my god it was awesome. People were wearing bunad, and Norwegian sweaters! And the dinner was exactly like at home, with the meat and the ricecream and everything! And then we sang Norwegian Christmas songs like "så går vi rundt om en enebærbusk" and stuff like that, I was proud that I was one of the ones who could sing it! The place itself was called "norse hall" which is epic.
It's true as they said, around Christmas the homesickness is worst. I miss my family and my friends, and it's weird that there's still so much left of this long road. I've seen so much, I've experienced more than I ever thought I would. Most of the things happen when I'm on my own, which is quite interesting. But I'm having a lot of fun, and I'm gaining friends just about every day. It's really strange, but I feel that I'm changing, I can feel my mind developing, for better or for worse I don't know. Now not to say that I'm turning into a different person, 'cause I'm not. I'm the same I've always been, and that's the way I like it! I miss my family and friends so much, and I love you all. When I get back we're gonna have so much fun, I can't wait!
Here are a couple of pics from the Norse Hall!

It's true as they said, around Christmas the homesickness is worst. I miss my family and my friends, and it's weird that there's still so much left of this long road. I've seen so much, I've experienced more than I ever thought I would. Most of the things happen when I'm on my own, which is quite interesting. But I'm having a lot of fun, and I'm gaining friends just about every day. It's really strange, but I feel that I'm changing, I can feel my mind developing, for better or for worse I don't know. Now not to say that I'm turning into a different person, 'cause I'm not. I'm the same I've always been, and that's the way I like it! I miss my family and friends so much, and I love you all. When I get back we're gonna have so much fun, I can't wait!
Here are a couple of pics from the Norse Hall!
mandag 12. desember 2011
I'm Not Much A Poet, But A Criminal
This is gonna be a hectic week, as I've got a math and physics test this Wednesday. Oh lol reminds me, in Physics we are learning about Force, and when the teacher wrote Force applied as Fapp I started giggling. This place never seizes to surprise me, new things happen every day, new people become friends. It's really nice, and to be honest it makes me not wanna leave. I'm enjoying myself a lot here, the fact that I live in a big city and only a 15min bus ride away from it is great. I have access to whatever I'd like, and great people to share it with. I love hanging out at Dylan's place, his father is British and he knows Norwegian, which makes everything so much more awesome. That's where I go to get my dose of Europe. I'm so tired at the moment, so I'm just waiting for my laundry to be done with drying, then I'll go to sleep. Hopefully the package my mother sent will be here tomorrow, with delicious Norwegian stuff! I'm gonna take pics of some of the christmas neighborhoods here if I remember, 'cause it's kinda crazy haha, Americans and their exaggerating. Oh and one last thing, we had to write a two paragraph essay for English, and I was the only one in the whole class who did it xD Lazy people, haha.
lørdag 3. desember 2011
Do You Remember Me?
To start of I'm gonna tell a short story of a boy a sandwich and a peculiar thing. I was walking eating my SubWay as usual, when I see this weird shape-thing in the dark. As I get close I see a fat raccoon sitting on his ass eating, not giving a shit about me standing right next to him eating my sub. It was so awesome, then he got done and just walked into the shadows. I've never seen a wild raccoon before, so everything happening it was quite a "wtf" moment. Anyways, I haven't added pictures in a while so here are some, not very good, but still, it's something.
Despair breathes gently on my clouded mind as I set off on another day with new opportunities. A smile for a smile, and a bag full of nothing. Consumerism(in every thinkable way) is what I've taken to, not quite what I had imagined. I'm breathing, feeling, and seeing. Not always clear, but at least my senses are intact. Further on, here are the pics.

A Day To Remember

Kingdom Hearts anyone?

Holy fuck yes, it's the master sword! And so many other awesome swords

Final Fantasy

One of my friends from Orycon showed me this xD Lol

Spock's Logic and Gandalf's Beard, so funny names for coffees, at Orycon.
Despair breathes gently on my clouded mind as I set off on another day with new opportunities. A smile for a smile, and a bag full of nothing. Consumerism(in every thinkable way) is what I've taken to, not quite what I had imagined. I'm breathing, feeling, and seeing. Not always clear, but at least my senses are intact. Further on, here are the pics.
A Day To Remember
Kingdom Hearts anyone?
Holy fuck yes, it's the master sword! And so many other awesome swords
Final Fantasy
One of my friends from Orycon showed me this xD Lol
Spock's Logic and Gandalf's Beard, so funny names for coffees, at Orycon.
søndag 20. november 2011
These Days Are Strange, It's True
I admit that it's not always easy, but I am feeling better most of the time. My thoughts run here and there, and sharp pain comes and goes. I'm trying to pull myself through, and I'm managing it to a certain point, which I'm happy with myself. I've come across a lot of new things, tasted new feelings. But most of all I've come to know who my closest ones are! And I couldn't be more happy for having them, they're the reason I can stand tall even when I'm weak. Thank you, thank you for being there for me :)
Now on to the important things! Skyrim came out and holy mother of god it's good. Slaying dragons, dual wielding spells, amazing world graphics. I'm very sure that this as Oblivion will gain the title "game of the year." The same weekend that Skyrim came out, I was at this thing called Orycon. It was a convention filled with geeks, weirdoes, and lovely people. I had a lot of fun and gained some friends. One of them being Samantha, or Sammy as I like to call her. She's a very nice girl. At the convention I was "Scott Summers" and I really like that name, haha I wish I was cyclops. Furthermore, I had my first French lesson today, and it was amazing! I loved it so much, and the teacher told me I was very good with pronunciation even though I'm a beginner. On the bus going home I had a nice chat with one of the girls who works at the Alliance Française. She thought I was 20 or 21, which is probably because of no shaving November. Even my Spanish teacher looked at me and was a bit shocked, haha ^^
Right now at this moment I'm watching Dylan play Skyrim, he's lvl 29 and he's fucking owning the shit out of everyone. Just picked up where I left on Lord of the rings online, and finally got to lvl 31 with my elf Nelthindor. The employers at 2 different subways now know what I'll order, so they just look at me and say "regular?" and I love it! I've got some pictures of some stuuuff, which I will upload later. Oh and I've got some videos of Americans trying to pronounce Norwegian stuff! I might upload that too, but just maybe. Have a nice day
Now on to the important things! Skyrim came out and holy mother of god it's good. Slaying dragons, dual wielding spells, amazing world graphics. I'm very sure that this as Oblivion will gain the title "game of the year." The same weekend that Skyrim came out, I was at this thing called Orycon. It was a convention filled with geeks, weirdoes, and lovely people. I had a lot of fun and gained some friends. One of them being Samantha, or Sammy as I like to call her. She's a very nice girl. At the convention I was "Scott Summers" and I really like that name, haha I wish I was cyclops. Furthermore, I had my first French lesson today, and it was amazing! I loved it so much, and the teacher told me I was very good with pronunciation even though I'm a beginner. On the bus going home I had a nice chat with one of the girls who works at the Alliance Française. She thought I was 20 or 21, which is probably because of no shaving November. Even my Spanish teacher looked at me and was a bit shocked, haha ^^
Right now at this moment I'm watching Dylan play Skyrim, he's lvl 29 and he's fucking owning the shit out of everyone. Just picked up where I left on Lord of the rings online, and finally got to lvl 31 with my elf Nelthindor. The employers at 2 different subways now know what I'll order, so they just look at me and say "regular?" and I love it! I've got some pictures of some stuuuff, which I will upload later. Oh and I've got some videos of Americans trying to pronounce Norwegian stuff! I might upload that too, but just maybe. Have a nice day
torsdag 10. november 2011
She says she's no good with words, but I'm worse!
I'm sitting at Pioneer place or something like that, just chilling and drinking some tea, haha. We we're off school today, so I spent the night at Dylan's place with Sean. First I got to play my new game, Arkham City, which was pretty god damn awesome, never knew Batman had it in him! After that we went to see A Very Harold and Kumar 3D Christmas, and it was so awesome! It featured so many awesome people, two of them being Amir, and Barney Stinson :D It was freakin' epic. Today I'm just gonna chill, maybe hang out with a friend of my from school and jam. Oh and shit, I just paid off Skyrim, tomorrow <3 <3 <3 I can't wait :'D
Have a nice day!
This is the mall I'm at! It's pretty awesome.
Have a nice day!
This is the mall I'm at! It's pretty awesome.
tirsdag 8. november 2011
Never Felt So Sober
I'm starting to get pretty sick of blogging to be honest, but I'll keep on going because I'm such a nice guy! Haha nah, but anyways, the last week or so have been pretty weird to me. I've gone through feelings I didn't know I had, feelings I could do fine without. I've had things brewing inside me for about 2-3 months, and until the last 2-3 days I haven't known what to do with it. It feels like I'm living the biggest cliché ever, but I've finally realized it, life's one great big cliché haha. I've always thought I knew what it meant to live every day like it's your last, but I didn't, not until now. Life is not about wanting to be somewhere else, or wishing for someone, it's about taking what you have right now and make happiness of it. Using it, caring for it, building the bed you sleep on. I'm living life as much as I can, I'm spending so much money, and I don't give a shit, I'm happy, and I deserve it 8D There's no reason to worry about me anymore, there never was, but if you did now is the time to stop. I'm here, I'm ready, and I'm looking forward to tomorrow.
Now, just to make it clear, I know this must seem as if I'm very swingy when it comes to my mood, and I have been so lately. But now it's gone, I'm sure that I've finally opened my eyes up for the better of everything. Anyways, I'm gonna start learning French from a private teacher! I'm looking forward to it a lot, I went to this awesome old fashioned French place and they were so awesome. I'm spending everyday on something new, figuring out new ways to live (: Missing my friends at home though, won't lie. But I'm getting so many new friends here, learning new things everyday! I love it
Here are some pictures! I won't upload that many, I'm sorry xD
So far away, my heart is divided into three pieces. But my life is with me always (:

Fortune cookie I got at a chinese restaurant 8DD


I'm from America, I'm from America C:

This is the start of November, around 1st, and it's how I look before no shaving November then, I can't wait to see after!

This is so American xD I just had to take a pic!

I had to buy it XD The store was called "Jelly Beans" But there were no jelly beans ): But at least I got bacon toothpaste <3
Now, just to make it clear, I know this must seem as if I'm very swingy when it comes to my mood, and I have been so lately. But now it's gone, I'm sure that I've finally opened my eyes up for the better of everything. Anyways, I'm gonna start learning French from a private teacher! I'm looking forward to it a lot, I went to this awesome old fashioned French place and they were so awesome. I'm spending everyday on something new, figuring out new ways to live (: Missing my friends at home though, won't lie. But I'm getting so many new friends here, learning new things everyday! I love it
Here are some pictures! I won't upload that many, I'm sorry xD
So far away, my heart is divided into three pieces. But my life is with me always (:
Fortune cookie I got at a chinese restaurant 8DD
I'm from America, I'm from America C:
This is the start of November, around 1st, and it's how I look before no shaving November then, I can't wait to see after!
This is so American xD I just had to take a pic!
I had to buy it XD The store was called "Jelly Beans" But there were no jelly beans ): But at least I got bacon toothpaste <3
onsdag 2. november 2011
What The Fuck's So Wrong With Me?
I'm going through what seems to be the hardest phase of my life. There is not one reason as to why, there are many, and I'm not going tot explain them. I do however, want to say; there's not a thing I wouldn't give to be back home in my family's and my friend's arms. I'm trying my best to keep up with life, but it's hard, and it's getting harder. I've been quite unhappy for little while, though I haven't really noticed until now. Everything is coming out at once. I'm really not usually the person to complain (at least I don't think so), but this time I am. I'm starting to wonder if I'm stupid, if I somehow have managed to overlook it for so many years. If my reality really just is a close minded view, and that what I want and feel is plainly my stupidity. I'm not doing as well in school as I wished for. Now there are a lot of reasons for this, but I still feel like I'm an idiot. I feel like I'm facing a wall in every direction I look, that it's closing in on me. The closer the walls get, the more I choke. I'm well aware of how much of a (with lac of a better word) pussy I must seem, writing this. But to be honest, this blog is for myself mainly, and I need this out of me.
I'm completely okei when I'm with my friends here, which I'll try to make more of the time. But when I'm not, I'm walking around as unstable as the tip of an horizontal needle on a table. I can feel myself being torn apart, but I'm also vaguely feeling myself being built up again. When you're at the bottom there's not much to do but to think and wonder. The main thing in my head is as I've brought up earlier, if I truly am the stupid and ignorant one. I feel incapable at life, at living, and at being someone. Jeg blir gal. Er jeg gal? Er jeg dust? Er jeg? Pust. Er jeg gal? It's from a song called Hat & Love (hat=hate) It means "I'm turning insane. Am I insane? Am I an idiot? Am I? Breathe. Am I insane? I'm sorry for saying all of this. Again, I realize it must sound pretty fucked up. And as I've said, there's is not one single reason for all of this, though it may seem like it. I hope this part of my life will be over soon. I'm ready for change, I'm ready for living. So let me go now and live, please. And may I be changed to whatever is considered good. I've got a lot of pictures which I may upload later. I'm tired I'm going to sleep
I'm completely okei when I'm with my friends here, which I'll try to make more of the time. But when I'm not, I'm walking around as unstable as the tip of an horizontal needle on a table. I can feel myself being torn apart, but I'm also vaguely feeling myself being built up again. When you're at the bottom there's not much to do but to think and wonder. The main thing in my head is as I've brought up earlier, if I truly am the stupid and ignorant one. I feel incapable at life, at living, and at being someone. Jeg blir gal. Er jeg gal? Er jeg dust? Er jeg? Pust. Er jeg gal? It's from a song called Hat & Love (hat=hate) It means "I'm turning insane. Am I insane? Am I an idiot? Am I? Breathe. Am I insane? I'm sorry for saying all of this. Again, I realize it must sound pretty fucked up. And as I've said, there's is not one single reason for all of this, though it may seem like it. I hope this part of my life will be over soon. I'm ready for change, I'm ready for living. So let me go now and live, please. And may I be changed to whatever is considered good. I've got a lot of pictures which I may upload later. I'm tired I'm going to sleep
tirsdag 11. oktober 2011
Look Right Through Me
I feel like I've given a very negative view of the situation I'm in, so I'm gonna tell some of the positive ones now. Well, first of all, I'm basically living of Subway and I love it! Seriously, the Subway girl has started to remember what I want haha. I love that barbecue sauce :D Another thing is that I apparently love coffee too, as long as it's from Starbucks, but as a counter to this I'm imune to caffeine. I chugged 2 double energy Starbucks coffe thingies, and I didn't feel shit xD Well that's not true, I had to pee, but other than that I was still sleepy and very close to falling asleep. Same goes for the caffe latte and mocha. Other good things are that today, when I went to the gas station I usually go to, the guy there (I think he's Mexican) and he was looking at youtube videos laughing, and he showed me a video of a dog being dubbed xD IT was hilarious, and I love foreigners here, lol. What more what more… Well, I love my teachers at school, and I love the students here, they're really nice. Everyone are soooo nice. This weekend I was downtown with Dylan and Amy, the city looked so nice at dark, and there was a protest going on there. The people were so chill, they were modern hippies haha, when we went there they were like "thanks for coming out!" and there was tents and stuff everywhere haha. So I'm having a good time. I've also watched a couple of good movies lately two of them being "donnie darko" and "into the wild." Into the wild is a movie you should watch, it's about a guy who finishes college with great grades and a great scholarship. He donates the scholarship 23000 dollars and ruins his ID then runs off to live in the wild in Alaska. It's great, he meets lots of people and the ending is amazing.
Have a nice day
One of the bridges

Bad picture, but this is the front of the protest

It's a god damn lama!

The other bride in Portland
Have a nice day
One of the bridges
Bad picture, but this is the front of the protest
It's a god damn lama!
The other bride in Portland
fredag 30. september 2011
I'm Well Aware Of How It Aches
Every time I see an airplane in the sky it makes me think of home, of how it was to fly here, and how it's gonna be to fly back home. It's the strangest feeling of them all, and I just disconnect with reality and lose myself in thoughts. The fact is that I'm trying not to think of home, friends, family, and how much I miss it all. No matter how hard I try though, it doesn't work, there's always something reminding me of everything. This doesn't mean that I'm in constant agony, or that I'm not having the time of my life... 'Cause I am, it's just hard. The feeling I've got now, after only one month is indescribable. You might think you know, but you don't. I'm sure you've all been gone for a month from your home, but that's not the hard part.
The hard part is knowing that I won't be home for another 9 months, that everything here is new. The food they eat, the things they say, the language they speak, even the way they act amongst each other is different. That I lost 1-2 kg the first weeks I was here proves how hard it was for me to settle in here in the first place. I'm extremely happy that I have slept a lot better lately though! It feels great to sleep 7 hours with only awakening one or two times instead of every hour. So I'm happy about how most things are evolving to the better. I've gotten more than enough friends (at least from my point of view) and I've got a proper American life.
Enough of thoughts! Haha. Today I was at my first football game, which was amazing. We won like 63 -6 over Madison, or something like that. Seriously, we crushed them. Go Trojans. If you're reading Pål, everyone here makes fun of the fact that Trojan is a condom brand here xD The game was so American, cheerleaders, football players, star spangled banner, yeah just everything. It's kinda retarded how the cheerleaders here think they're better than everyone else. And also, if you don't wanna try out to be a cheerleader you can pay 3000 dollars to get into the team... What the fuck. So they're mostly rich girls, or really talented girls who made it through the try outs. Oh America, you so retarded. Yeah that's another thing, you'd think everyone in America is like "aw yeah, amuurrica is the best country" but no, most people I talk to here say "America is a fucked up place, the government sucks" and the teachers here make fun of the fact that Americans don't use the metric system. Quoting both my Physics teacher and my Chemistry teacher "why do we use feet, oz, lbs etc? Because we're stupid." Yeah didn't say it exactly like that, but seriously, they really do make fun of America like that xD I love it! They're not dumb here at all, they're actually quite insightful. That only goes for the teachers and some of the students though. There are people who are pretty stupid, but oh well, it's America.
Also, there's a German teacher here who talks Norwegian, so I went to his classroom and I was all like "snakker du norsk??" "Ja, jei snakker litt nårsk, mene jei har ikke snakket på 10 år så ere litt rusten(+ some german 'cause he mixed the two)" I've never been so keen to talk Norwegian in my whole life xD And there's so many people with Norwegian origins here, it's pretty impressive. To all my friends and my loved ones, I miss you so much. My heart truly lies scattered in my little town Arendal, and in Amerongenstraat in the Netherlands. No feeling can explain how it feels to know that I'm not gonna see you for so long, it sounds gay I know, but it's true. I miss walking around just being angry because I have to wait an hour for the bus, I miss running into people I know because in Arendal everyone knows everyone. I miss sitting in the mall reading, and what I miss the most is Norwegian. I miss talking Norwegian, I miss having education in Norwegian, I even miss thinking in Norwegian. I'm losing my Norwegian speaking skills :/ I'm sorry for this being such a long and meaningless entry, but sometimes that's what happens. Have a nice day, mine is just over.
Bob is so funny, and mean! My grade in English is better than a C, but I told him "I need to get a C or above, or it's a problem" so he just wrote C or above xD I've got A in guitar, B in physics, Pass in math I guess, A in history, and B in spanish so I'm not doing great, but it could have been a lot worse.

It was kinda chilly today as you can see on the cheerleaders wearing jackets. Look how American it looks! With the football teams, the football field and the cheerleaders. Only thing I could think of was Blue Mountain State xD

I'm sorry the image sucks, but this is our mascot! A god damn Trojan xD I love this place, I love America seriously.
The hard part is knowing that I won't be home for another 9 months, that everything here is new. The food they eat, the things they say, the language they speak, even the way they act amongst each other is different. That I lost 1-2 kg the first weeks I was here proves how hard it was for me to settle in here in the first place. I'm extremely happy that I have slept a lot better lately though! It feels great to sleep 7 hours with only awakening one or two times instead of every hour. So I'm happy about how most things are evolving to the better. I've gotten more than enough friends (at least from my point of view) and I've got a proper American life.
Enough of thoughts! Haha. Today I was at my first football game, which was amazing. We won like 63 -6 over Madison, or something like that. Seriously, we crushed them. Go Trojans. If you're reading Pål, everyone here makes fun of the fact that Trojan is a condom brand here xD The game was so American, cheerleaders, football players, star spangled banner, yeah just everything. It's kinda retarded how the cheerleaders here think they're better than everyone else. And also, if you don't wanna try out to be a cheerleader you can pay 3000 dollars to get into the team... What the fuck. So they're mostly rich girls, or really talented girls who made it through the try outs. Oh America, you so retarded. Yeah that's another thing, you'd think everyone in America is like "aw yeah, amuurrica is the best country" but no, most people I talk to here say "America is a fucked up place, the government sucks" and the teachers here make fun of the fact that Americans don't use the metric system. Quoting both my Physics teacher and my Chemistry teacher "why do we use feet, oz, lbs etc? Because we're stupid." Yeah didn't say it exactly like that, but seriously, they really do make fun of America like that xD I love it! They're not dumb here at all, they're actually quite insightful. That only goes for the teachers and some of the students though. There are people who are pretty stupid, but oh well, it's America.
Also, there's a German teacher here who talks Norwegian, so I went to his classroom and I was all like "snakker du norsk??" "Ja, jei snakker litt nårsk, mene jei har ikke snakket på 10 år så ere litt rusten(+ some german 'cause he mixed the two)" I've never been so keen to talk Norwegian in my whole life xD And there's so many people with Norwegian origins here, it's pretty impressive. To all my friends and my loved ones, I miss you so much. My heart truly lies scattered in my little town Arendal, and in Amerongenstraat in the Netherlands. No feeling can explain how it feels to know that I'm not gonna see you for so long, it sounds gay I know, but it's true. I miss walking around just being angry because I have to wait an hour for the bus, I miss running into people I know because in Arendal everyone knows everyone. I miss sitting in the mall reading, and what I miss the most is Norwegian. I miss talking Norwegian, I miss having education in Norwegian, I even miss thinking in Norwegian. I'm losing my Norwegian speaking skills :/ I'm sorry for this being such a long and meaningless entry, but sometimes that's what happens. Have a nice day, mine is just over.
Bob is so funny, and mean! My grade in English is better than a C, but I told him "I need to get a C or above, or it's a problem" so he just wrote C or above xD I've got A in guitar, B in physics, Pass in math I guess, A in history, and B in spanish so I'm not doing great, but it could have been a lot worse.
It was kinda chilly today as you can see on the cheerleaders wearing jackets. Look how American it looks! With the football teams, the football field and the cheerleaders. Only thing I could think of was Blue Mountain State xD
I'm sorry the image sucks, but this is our mascot! A god damn Trojan xD I love this place, I love America seriously.
søndag 25. september 2011
Hey Kids, Do I Have Your Attention?
So I've gotten new friends, and a somewhat equivalent to my friends at home. It's my new bros, you've got Dylan the first one I got to know who's a god damn great guy, and his father talks norwegian, more or less. He lived in Norway for 3 years and was in the city where I'm from a couple of weeks. Next is Carlos, he's an american mexican or something like that. First time I saw him he had an awesome goatee, and he's a very nice guy, too nice for his own good. The 4th and last one is Sean, he's my wingman(and I'm his), and he's the fucking best wingman ever. He looks after everything, and so far he's gotten my back. I'm not allowed to say too much because of the exchange, but he's told me he's told me that he can put me in a Lamborghini Gallardo in the drivers seat. If that happens I'm gonna have the best moment of my life here.
The last two nights I've had nightmares, for multiple reasons, I both think and hope it'll change soon though. I miss my friends a lot, and though people here are nice, and some of them remind me a lot of my friends at home, it's still not the same. Two nights ago I was at an awesome concert! With one of my new favorite bands, Unwritten Law. They were great! They're from California, and not too well known. Which was good for me, as I got to stand close as fuck. The moshpits were mostly good, but there were a lot of drunk people, and I wasn't one of them so it wasn't that fun with them around, haha. They played my favorite songs, so I'm happy about it. This weekend has been pretty cool, I slept over at Dylans place friday, and saturday I got to try wake boarding, which was pretty hard. It was a lot of fun though. My whole body hurts today because of the concert and the wake boarding, so I think this is gonna be a lazy sunday.
This is how close I were to the lead singer of Unwritten Law!

This is the awesome t shirt I got of them

This is Sean a random dude, his grandfather is norwegian or something. And he looks like someone I know from home! I can't remember who though, tell me if you can!

This is two of my bros, Sean and Dylan. They're awesome
The last two nights I've had nightmares, for multiple reasons, I both think and hope it'll change soon though. I miss my friends a lot, and though people here are nice, and some of them remind me a lot of my friends at home, it's still not the same. Two nights ago I was at an awesome concert! With one of my new favorite bands, Unwritten Law. They were great! They're from California, and not too well known. Which was good for me, as I got to stand close as fuck. The moshpits were mostly good, but there were a lot of drunk people, and I wasn't one of them so it wasn't that fun with them around, haha. They played my favorite songs, so I'm happy about it. This weekend has been pretty cool, I slept over at Dylans place friday, and saturday I got to try wake boarding, which was pretty hard. It was a lot of fun though. My whole body hurts today because of the concert and the wake boarding, so I think this is gonna be a lazy sunday.
This is how close I were to the lead singer of Unwritten Law!
This is the awesome t shirt I got of them
This is Sean a random dude, his grandfather is norwegian or something. And he looks like someone I know from home! I can't remember who though, tell me if you can!
This is two of my bros, Sean and Dylan. They're awesome
mandag 19. september 2011
I Want To Be Everything That Is You
It's getting harder and harder to find time to update, but I'm trying my best. I'm getting more and more used to living here, and I believe that I'll soon feel at home here in Portland. Some of the people I hang out with here, actually reminds me of people I know at home. Though no one could ever replace them, I see similarities in what they do think and say. Not everyone here is like they seem though, I've noticed some people who are not at all how they try to come across as. They seem nice and understanding, but in reality they're nothing more than a smile and a shallow pond of nothing. This however, doesn't go for many people, and almost none of who I'm around. I'm so very happy that people here are open, friendly, and glad to make new friends.
At the moment I'm feasting on jelly beans and twinkies because I'm trying to gain the weight I've lost due to stress, adjusting, and just everything I've had to go through. I went from 58kg to 57kg, and I'm going to get up again! It's my goal for September. And by the taste of twinkies and beans, it's not hard at all, haha. When it comes to how I feel these days, it's a lot better than it used to. My days are no longer up and down on the emotional bits. I've gotten accustomed to being here, and somehow my mood has stabilized because of it. A lot of things have helped me on the short(though it seems like years) way though. Like my new friends, the singing lessons I'm taking, my guitar, and just everything. I know it's way too early to think of, but I'm gonna miss those damn delicious twinkies… Anyways, I hope everyone home, and just everyone who reads this have a good day or night. Hope to get to write again soon.
Turns our my host family has got the whole series :D And Krystin, the host mom was like "yeah you can have it, we don't use it anymore anyways" best day of my life, haha!!

This is a god damn oreo brownie earthquake, it was so good, but oh so fulling >.<

Bitch, I know you like my style

Finally starting to feel like this is my place

More jelly beans! Will it never end

Check out these epic shirts! I love hot topic! Hence the "hoot kool aid" "death the kid" and the "idek" shirts xD
At the moment I'm feasting on jelly beans and twinkies because I'm trying to gain the weight I've lost due to stress, adjusting, and just everything I've had to go through. I went from 58kg to 57kg, and I'm going to get up again! It's my goal for September. And by the taste of twinkies and beans, it's not hard at all, haha. When it comes to how I feel these days, it's a lot better than it used to. My days are no longer up and down on the emotional bits. I've gotten accustomed to being here, and somehow my mood has stabilized because of it. A lot of things have helped me on the short(though it seems like years) way though. Like my new friends, the singing lessons I'm taking, my guitar, and just everything. I know it's way too early to think of, but I'm gonna miss those damn delicious twinkies… Anyways, I hope everyone home, and just everyone who reads this have a good day or night. Hope to get to write again soon.
Turns our my host family has got the whole series :D And Krystin, the host mom was like "yeah you can have it, we don't use it anymore anyways" best day of my life, haha!!
This is a god damn oreo brownie earthquake, it was so good, but oh so fulling >.<
Bitch, I know you like my style
Finally starting to feel like this is my place
More jelly beans! Will it never end
Check out these epic shirts! I love hot topic! Hence the "hoot kool aid" "death the kid" and the "idek" shirts xD
fredag 16. september 2011
The End Of The Beginning
The last week has been so busy, homework is killing me. Especially Physics, the teacher is retarded. She gave us a test and based it on what the American teens have learnt in earlier science classes. How the fuck would I know shit they've learned here before I came? Other than that I'm doing a lot better at making friends that I thought I would. There is this awesome guy in my English class called Dylan, he's asian, a gamer, funny and just pretty much awesome. He's gonna get Skyrim, so I'm gonna hang out a lot in his place two months from now. He's epic, and he asked me to the mall with some friends this sunday. It's gonna be awesome. Also another new friend, my lunch friend, who is also in my class. Her name is Kristin, she's pretty awesome as well. She's tall, skinny and she's got dreadlocks. I'm finally starting to learn some of the names, so that when people in the hallway say hi, I know their name like 40% of the time. I'm living my life here in this wonderful place. I do miss my friends though, so much. I'll try to write here more than I have the last week, but I promise nothing.
This is Kristin! Awesome lunch friend, who makes fun of my english :c

Jelly Beans!!

This is a beaconator, it's epic dude! the reason why I took a pic of the side instead of the burger was because the old man was amusing, lol

Mmm I love pop rocks! c:

Look what the fedex guys came with :D It's epic! And I love fedex ^^

This is Kristin! Awesome lunch friend, who makes fun of my english :c
Jelly Beans!!
This is a beaconator, it's epic dude! the reason why I took a pic of the side instead of the burger was because the old man was amusing, lol
Mmm I love pop rocks! c:
Look what the fedex guys came with :D It's epic! And I love fedex ^^
fredag 9. september 2011
My Infiltrated Mind, My Lacerated Soul
Wilson high, home of the Trojans!
The flag they gave me at the assembly!
The cats are so fucking strange xD This is not even a strange position compared to what the other cat, Milo does!
What the fuck America, really??
This is Megan and Sarah! Two of my new friends. Megan has got an identical twin, Kathryn(if I spelled it right) They remind me of Peyton from One Three Hill, haha.
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